Contact information

Contact details of the unit:

INRAE Val de Loire Center
37380, Nouzilly
Tel: +33 (0) 2 47 42 78 51
Fax: + 33 (0) 2 47 42 77 78

Director: Cécile BERRI
Deputy Director: Elisabeth LE BIHAN-DUVAL

Getting to the site:

The INRAE Val de Loire center is located in the Region CENTRE – VAL DE LOIRE about 20 km north of Tours (Indre-et-Loire, France). It is accessible by:

  • Car :
    • From Paris (220 km) via the A10 motorway, exit 18 (Amboise-Château-Renault) or exit 19 (Tours-Nord)
    • From Tours, by the departmental road D910 until Monnaie, then direction "INRA"
    • From Le Mans, via the A28 motorway to Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, then go through Beaumont-La-Ronce to arrive in Nouzilly.
  • Train : The city of Tours is located at the crossroads of the railway lines Paris-Bordeaux-Irun and Nantes-Lyon. There are many daily connections with Paris (about 1h) by TGV (stop at Saint-Pierre-des-Corps train station) and with major French cities (Nantes, Bordeaux, Lyon, and so forth).
  • Plane : Fast connections (via TGV) to the airports of Paris (Paris-Orly or Paris-Roissy).

GPS coordinates:

Latitude: N 47 ° 32 '41.046 "

plan d'accès